昨天晚上在Pongyi Guest House有個火鍋會
Last night, there is a Nabe in Pongyi Guest House.
那天早上跟Masaki講的時候 他說因為今天有五個人住在Pongyi
所以他想要來開個火鍋會 問我要不要加入
(而且我聽不懂火鍋 他還跟我解釋很久 XD)
這種有趣的事情怎麼可以錯過 當然要加入阿!!
就跟他約了六點半回到Pongyi 先去買東西再回來煮
Because I decided to stay one more day at Kanazawa
When I told Masaki this thing, he said tonight there are five people in Pongyi Guest House.
He wanted to hold a Nabe. (But I can undersatnd what is Nabe, haha, Masaki spend much time to explains to me)
Why I missed such interesting thing? Of course I want to join !!
We make an appointment that I come back at 18:30 and go to supermarket with others.
首先 我和從東京來的Ayumi以及從仙台來的一個男生(我忘記他的名字了...)
Masaki把要買的東西寫在單子上 讓我們去買
去之前他讓我看一下單子 結果發現我沒幾樣認得 囧
最有趣的是他們的"人蔘"指的是"紅蘿蔔" Carrot
還好我有在玩Restaurant City 我還知道Carrot是甚麼
我跟他說在台灣 "人參"指的是一種藥
其他東西我都不認得 Masaki說這些東西台灣應該都有
其中只有一項 是用馬鈴薯做成的麵 是日本特有的 台灣應該沒有
然後還有一項是味增(Miso) 是石川縣特產的 便宜又非常好吃
Ayumi和那個男生 都很喜歡料理 是料理高手
(出門前Masaki跟我說晚上我可以非常relax 只要負責吃就好 哈哈哈)
First, Ayumi (from 東京, left 2 in pic) , the man (from 仙台, right 3 in pic), and I, we go to supermarket to buy ingredients.
Masaki wrote what we should buy in a note.
Before going to supermarket, he let me to read the note.....but I only know one or two ingredient. Orz
The most interesting thing is about "人蔘".
In Japanese, "人蔘" means carrot. Fortunately, I have played restaurant city on facebook, so I know what is "carrot".
(please forgive my poor English)
I told them "人蔘" means a medician in Taiwanese.
About other ingredients, Masaki said they should also exist in Taiwan.
When I saw them, I will know what they are.
Only two ingredients are special, they sould only exitst in Japan.
The first is a kind of noodle made by potato.
The second is Miso, it is a local specialty in 石川.
Ayumi and the man are good at cooking.
So Masaki told me tonight I can only be responsible for eating, hahaha.
日本人搞不太清楚台北和台灣的關係 以為台灣就是台北
According to Masaki's map, we start our shopping travel. XD
Of course we chat with each other on the way.
沒有很遠就到了超市 到超市之後就開始一樣一樣的買菜單上面的東西
邊買他們會邊告訴我這是甚麼 該怎麼念
ネギ是蔥 出門前Masaki跟我講了很久這東西是啥 我完全聽不懂 XD
買金針菇的時候 他們問我中文 我講完之後 他們說完全不知道是啥 哈哈哈
最後就是去挑啤酒 Ayumi說他非常喜歡啤酒
男生則是拿了兩罐啤酒加一大罐清酒(我: 傻眼)
我問他們哪一種比較好喝 男生推薦我買Asahi
不過因為Asahi台灣就有了 所以我買了Ayumi推薦的那牌(台灣沒有 但我忘記名字了XD)
It is not very far to arrive supermarket.
We start to choose ingredient based on Masaki's note.
They told me the name of every ingredient and how to read them.
Just like teacher and student, and we have a Japanese course in supermarket, hahaha.
ネギ menas leek. Masaki tried to explain to me but I can't understand all =___=||
Besides, they also asked me what are their name in Chinese.
我們回去的時候 Masaki已經把客廳弄好了
看起來很溫馨吧 XD
When we come back to Pongyi, Masaki has put the essential goods for Nabe.
It looks very warm.
以下是一部分的食材 因為其他的已經被拿去拆開了
Here are part of ingredients. because others had been in pot XD
Ayumi and the man are cooking now.
我看他們兩個切東西的方式 真是讓我傻眼
這是Ayumi做的香菇 裡面放生薑和柚子(還有沒有別的我就不知道了)
然後放烤箱烤 超好吃的!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is mushrooms cooked by Ayumi.
She put 生薑 and 柚子 (I don't know if anything else) on them, and bake them.
It is very very very very delicious !!!!
火鍋是味增火鍋 很日本式的吃法 把東西一堆一堆的放好
不像台灣是全部丟進去攪一攪 害我一開始不知道該怎麼吃才好
後來請一個男生先吃 我才發現根本就沒啥rule 也是隨便想拿甚麼就拿甚麼吃啦!
我原本還想說買的東西會不會太少 後來才發現蠻多的 我吃幾趟之後就飽了
有一個男生還沒吃晚餐就已經再喝啤酒 喝到滿臉通紅 XD
邊吃火鍋的時候 男生們還會邊輪流出去抽菸 囧
The soup is Miso, and very Japanese style.
They put same ingredient together (not like Taiwanese, we put everything together, haha !)
So that I was afraid of any special rules. XD
這時候Masaki的三個朋友也來了 所以就一起來吃晚餐
Three friends of Masaki came so that we had Nabe together.
So there are 8 Japanese, and 1 Taiwanese (me) in the Nabe !
Masaki的三個朋友都是女生 姑且稱做朋友A 朋友B 朋友C(如果我有問到名字再補好了...)
Three friends are all ladies, just call them friend A, friend B, friend C.
(Sorry I forgot their name at all.....It is difficult for me to remeber Japanese name)
朋友A是已經結婚的一個女生 32歲了 吃飯的時候她講很多她結婚的事情
她覺得結婚是一件很快樂的事情 她很享受這樣的生活
而且她老公也不太會管她 禮拜五晚上她在這裡聚會 她老公在其他地方有聚會
這樣的生活真的很不錯 XD
最好笑的是 中間他說他要去便利商店 然後就出去了
可是回來的時候完全沒看到他拿東西回來 我還想說他剛剛是去哪...
結果後來他換位子坐到我旁邊來 聊天聊一聊 突然伸手去拿他的包包
然後就拿出一罐啤酒出來很順手的開了 XDXDXDXDXD
一切就發生的這麼自然 好像她包包裡本來就應該裝一堆啤酒
大家就笑說她的包包是小叮噹的包包 哈哈哈哈
她留到最晚才走 還送我一個泡芙當第二天的早餐
Friend A (right 2 in pic) is a lady already married, 32 years old.
She told us many things about marriage.
She feels it is a happy thing to get married and enjoy it very much.
The most funny thing is that she went to the convenient store but not buy anything with her when she came back.
After a period of time, while we chating, she grab her bag and take out a beer....!!!!
It is very nature action.
Masaki said her bag is Doraemon's bag...hahaha!!
She is ths last person leaving Pongyi, and gave me a bread as breakfast tomorrow.
我們講到鳥取縣 他們要跟我推薦牡蠣 可是我完全不知道他們在講牡蠣
朋友B一走 朋友A就小小聲的問Masaki說他朋友是不是很可愛
Frined B is a cute girl with glasses. (right 1 in pic)
She is very very cute.
After she leaves, Friend A ask Masaki if Friend B is cute in a very low voice.
朋友C是綁著兩條辮子 前面瀏海用一朵花別著的女生
她也已經結婚了 吃沒多久她就說她老公在找他 所以她就先走了
Friend C is a cute lady with two plaits. (left 1 in pic)
She is also married.
Her husband is looking for her, so she leave very early.
Masaki的三個朋友講完 接下來要講住在Pongyi的Guest囉
從我遇到的順序開始說好了 但是很抱歉的是除了Ayumi因為有留名字給我所以我才知道他的名字
其他人的名字我都不知道 Orz (都有跟我介紹啦 但日本人名字實在太難記)
About others in Pongyi Guest House.
第一個是前一天就住在Pongyi的一個男生 27歲
他問我台灣是不是有一棟很高很有名的101 但他講不出來101 所以我幫他接話 XD
他說他有做過東西送到101去....但我真的聽不懂他送甚麼去 對不起 ><
最好笑的是 他跟我講完以上之後 他說: So.....I can speak English
害我大笑....................XDXDXD 回他說: Yes, you can speak English
The first one is a man also stayed in Pongyi Guest House last night. (the middle in pic, 27 years old)
Masaki told me his work is carpenter (Maybe, I am not very sure)
He asked me if there is a very tall bulding in Taiwan.
Yes, it is Taipei 101.
He said he had send something he made to there !
We talkd this thing in English.
After he told me this thing, he said "So...I can speak English !!"
hahah, Yes, you can speak English !
第二個是Ayumi 從東京來的 23歲 是在場最年輕的
我問她不會累嗎 他跟我說覺得很開心 XD
因為我們兩個很早就回到Pongyi 所以我們有用英文和紙筆聊天聊一聊
她喜歡金城武 有個姐姐以前在澳洲念書現在在大阪的飯店工作
她很喜歡料理 現在還有在上課呢!
因為其他人似乎都不太會講英文 所以常常是Ayumi幫忙翻譯成英文
The second one is Ayumi, from Tokyo. (right 2 in pic)
She is 23 years old, the youngest of all !
She took night bus from Tokyo to Kanazawa.
I asked her if it is tired to take night bus.
She said she feels very happy so that not tired !
Because we two came back to Pongyi Guest House before 18:00, we used poor English and pen to talked a momnet.
She likes 金城武. She likes cooking very much !
She has a sister woking at hotel in Osaka and she will go there at Sunday.
第三個是從仙台來的男生 30歲 他是一個背包客
前幾天在沖繩 今天到金澤 XD
...... 我只知道這些
The third is a man form 仙台 (right 3 in pic, 30 years old)
He is a backpackers. Last week he was in 沖繩 !
He also likes cooking very much !
第四個是從九州來的女生 Masaki跟我說她住的地名
不過我完全聽不懂 只聽得懂九州 是一個很漂亮的女生
他沒有跟我們一起吃火鍋 不過回來之後大家還是有坐在客廳聊天聊天
第二天早上我弄好要出門的時候正好遇到她在照相 我們就照了合照 ^^
漂亮吧 XD
The fourth is a lady from 九州 (I don't know the real location)
She is a very beautiful and cute !
She did not have Nabe with us, but we also chat together when she came back.
The next day, we took pictures in the front of Pongyi !
Pongyi Guest House真的很不錯
讓人有家的感覺 我很喜歡 !!
Pongyi Guest House is really good !
It let me feel like at home so that I even do not want to leave.
Thanks Pongyi Guest house to give me such wonderful memory !