Somestimes I sit in silence
Can't believe you're not just a dream
When you take my hand my fears all fade away
Your love is more real than anything all that I ever know
第一次見面 就是決定要結婚的日子
感覺就像是一場夢一樣 但卻很真實
Thought I have all the answers, knew my way around
My life was something that I thought would never change
Then you came along turned my world upside down
韓國的大明星 vs 台灣的女明星
有著不同的個性 不同的生活習慣
"我不想改變他 因為他就是他" - 鬼鬼
and baby I'm so glad that I was wrong
In your love, I am home
不知不覺間 把對方的世界搞亂
不知不覺間 自己被對方改變了
"I'm beginning to accept her with as much as she's accepting mine" - Taec Yeon
You are my everything, the very air I breathe
Your love is all I ever need to know
then we can live this life
Forever side by side you give me strength to face the tides
You're the sunlight in my sky
When you looking into my eyes
I feel brand new and alive,cause they tell me that I'm yours and your'e mine
"It's like a key to my heart, you know.
The path way is opening a little bit, and we still have a lot of ways to go.
We just have to see and wait what the future hopes for us." - Taec Yeon
"When I first saw you, when we took the hot cocoa by one shot, something connected.
When you asked for the silver shoes, I did not know how much you would want it.
But after you got them, your eyes shined and that is something I would never forget.
When we were playing on the snow field, I felt like I became a little child again.
Let us be honest, do you feel something when you see me?
During our wedding photo shoot, did you feel something different from the usual?
Not being able to look at me strait. Laughing whenever I got closer.
I have changed for sure. Little by little, you've changed me.
Now, I want to say this, from the bottom of my heart,
GuiGui, will you marry me tomorrow?" - Taec Yeon
So when things don't go your way
When you let down when you fear
Just reach for me, I'm hare
Oh~every strome, any mountain to be climbed
Lean on me, I'm by your side
I will never leave your side
當你累的時候 只要抓抓我的背我就懂
我們會互相靠著 然後打氣後繼續加油
"I swear, I will make you happy" - Taec Yeon
"I promise, we are going to be happy" - 鬼鬼
遇到困難的時候 請記得我在你身邊
You're the sunlight in my sky
你是我的太陽 我的世界因為你而閃耀 因你而不同
Hold me close, don't ever let me go
I am yours, all of my heart, all of my soul
Never looking back you set me free
"I'm departing from whom I used to call "my wife"" - Taec Yeon
Break Up
並不是因為不喜歡對方而分開 而是必須要結束
火車開動的那一刻 眼淚是一起度段日子的證明
When you looking into my eyes
I feel brand new and alive
Cause they tell me that I'm yours and your'e mine
離別後 不忘記彼此的迎向各自新的生活
"When I found out that I was going to get married in Korea,
I was worried that we are from different cultural and language and background.
At first, I felt some distance between us.
But after we shoot wedding photo together, you proposed to me,
and I did many things with you,
I'm starting to like Oppa more and more.
I think I won't forget Oppa forever.
I also hope Oppa will not forget me and will smile when you're thinking of me.
Thanks Ok Taec Yeon and Korea give me a beautiful memory,
and thank you for make me a happy women.
ps. I really want to tell you that my answer will "Yes"
when we play the yes no game last time" - 鬼鬼
因為還沒看之前 就知道這兩個人會努力地在一起培養感情
但是最終的結果是 兩個人會分開 不會有結果
像夢一般的15天(?) 淚流了 夢醒了
因為My Everything很好聽
男主角是玉澤演 女主角是鬼鬼
玉澤演是之前看Dream High就有注意到
Dream High我大概也才看五集就對他有印象他應該是還不錯
至於鬼鬼 我連她是誰都不知道
只是衝著她是台灣出去的 所以才選了這對夫婦的故事來看
結果全部看完之後 我想為鬼鬼拍手阿!!!!!
沒想到他遇到的是鬼鬼 把他整個計畫打亂
一個少女心中的帥偶像就這樣在螢光幕前崩壞 應該讓他也很無言
不過感覺到求婚之後他也解放了 整個跟鬼鬼一起玩
鬼鬼 從第一集感覺就是很不同的女生
大喇喇的站著試穿鞋子 在雪地上不停滑倒
用"Oppa"不停的撒嬌 看到"Nichkhun"就像看到偶像一樣
阿里郎版的"10점 만점에 10점"
如果不是這樣搭配 我想不會這麼好看
我想除了按照劇本演之外 她應該也帶了自己的個性進入
導致最後要接近離別的時候 哭到玉澤演整個手足無措
後勁有點強的我結 很推薦去看 但需要做好離別的心理準備